Faces of Homelessness

True West Homes is an organization committed to creating housing stability for youth and adults experiencing housing insecurities by providing quality housing that's safe, secure and affordable.
We envision a world where affordable housing is accessible to all who are economically challenged and aspire to fulfill their Dream of homeownership.
Bound by Compassion
We treat all who seek our help with dignity, respect and empathy and strive to better understand their challenges while satisfying their basic needs.
Committed to Serving Others
By meeting the needs of those we serve we are focusing on a solution that will foster a “Spirit of Giving” and a testament that "WE CARE."
Dedicated to Equity
We believe every person has the fundamental human right to have decent affordable housing. Therefore we create housing stability for the underserved population in an effort to bridge the gap between “Finding a Home and Having a Home.”
Energized by Transforming Lives
By making a difference one at a time we pride ourselves on being a part of the solution of rebuilding and enhancing lives with a solid foundation to independence and a pathway to homeownership.
The homeless shelters are full to capacity. If a permanent solution is not in place families will continue to stay there with no hope of moving out or finding something affordable.
Per Hud directives family shelters must move families out of the shelters and into housing rapidly to have room/space for another individual to move into the shelter.
Families receive rapid-rehousing vouchers that pays 3-6 months rent. There are not enough property owners that will accept these vouchers.
These shelters will continue to stay full if the population are not able to use their rapid re-housing vouchers.
There are 950 documented individuals in Cleveland with housing vouchers that cannot find a place to live.
In Ohio foster youth age out of foster care every year and an average of 1 out of every 4 youth in foster care will experience housing insecurities within 4 years of being emancipated.
TRUE WEST HOMES will address the growing need of affordable housing by accepting rapid re-housing vouchers to eliminate the overcrowding of homeless shelters long waiting period and move individuals out of the shelters into permanent housing. We will also address the growing need of permanent housing for youth that have been emancipated from foster care and struggle to find affordable housing. With our focus being on housing stability our designated support system will combat individuals returning to a homeless situation.